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"Tony Presley sings beautiful folk poetry in low, undulating tones like a tearful lullaby on a quiet summer night. The purity, sincerity, and unassuming intelligence in everything he does makes your heart ache and your spirit smile."
A Requiem For Sunken Ships
Already Scarecrows
What This World Is For
A Song For Henry Darger
The Preacher's Daughter
Sunflower [Low]
Real Live Tigers
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Road warrior Tony Presley phones it in from Austin, TX. Tony's songs- built around spare guitar and his deep, weary voice- sound like they should have been written by someone far older than Tony is, someone who's seen it all. Listening, you want to take him in from the cold, give him a blanket, and bring him something warm to drink, but at the same time, you don't want him to stop singing.
"Tony Presley sings beautiful folk poetry in low, undulating tones like a tearful lullaby on a quiet summer night. The purity, sincerity, and unassuming intelligence in everything he does makes your heart ache and your spirit smile."
Nadav Carmel, BSR 07/14/2005
Beds & BonesA Requiem For Sunken Ships
Already Scarecrows
What This World Is For
A Song For Henry Darger
The Preacher's Daughter
Sunflower [Low]