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Teenage Lust
Let Your Hair Grow Long
Skull Versus Wizard
Natural Resources, I Love Mine
New Times, New Hope
Allegory Gets Me Hot
Not High
Imagine Dead John Lennon
Thing With A Hook (Lover's Lane) [Half Japanese]
Times New Viking
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Holy shit. Adam Elliot, Beth Murphy, and Jared Phillips phone it in live from the Taco Ninja/Cafe Bourbon Street in Columbus, OH. Frantic, loud, distorted, messy, and alive, just the way we like it. VITAL. The original idea was to do something slightly quieter from TNV HQ, but then again, it probably wouldn't have changed a thing, and in retrospect, why would we want to? This is the band whose record scuzz kings Siltbreeze Records (home to crucial early works by Guided By Voices, the Dead C, Sebadoh, Strapping Fieldhands, Harry Pussy, etc.) reawakened to release, and it doesn't take long to see why.
Carrie Hadler, BSR 05/14/2006
Devo & WineTeenage Lust
Let Your Hair Grow Long
Skull Versus Wizard
Natural Resources, I Love Mine
New Times, New Hope
Allegory Gets Me Hot
Not High
Imagine Dead John Lennon
Thing With A Hook (Lover's Lane) [Half Japanese]