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"Laura was raised by gypsy parents on a pirate ship on the high seas. Her travels landed her on a Caribbean island where she was given a guitar by an old island woman, a song master and fortune teller. The guitar possessed a magical power over its owner, a power that inspired melodies and poetry. Laura has been under this spell ever since."
Soundtracks And Sunsets
Sadie Says
Ships And Bridges
Laura Jean Binkley
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Native South Dakotan Laura Jean Binkley phones it in from Brooklyn, NY.
"Laura was raised by gypsy parents on a pirate ship on the high seas. Her travels landed her on a Caribbean island where she was given a guitar by an old island woman, a song master and fortune teller. The guitar possessed a magical power over its owner, a power that inspired melodies and poetry. Laura has been under this spell ever since."
James Brandt, BSR 09/20/2007
Give Me A CallFireflies
Soundtracks And Sunsets
Sadie Says
Ships And Bridges