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Toby Goodshank Download mp3 | Stream mp3
Antifolks Toby Goodshank and Dizzy Spells Martian (aka Isabel Martin of Yellow Fever) phone it in from Brooklyn, NY, after nearly three years(!) of correspondence. Playing with Double Deuce, the Tri-Lambs, the Christian Pirate Puppets, the Moldy Peaches, Bearded Witness, Huggabroomstik, and his own damn self (14 solo albums in five years!), there's no stopping this guy. Totally awesome.

Nadav Carmel, WMBR 01/24/2008


Pray To You
The Sixth
Babylon Molehill
Dad Blame Anything A Man Can't Quit [Roger Miller]
Eclipse [The Baby Skins]
My Uncle Used To Love Me But She Died [Roger Miller]
Dean's Dream [The Dead Milkmen]
Closed Casket


Toby on MySpace Toby at Unicornsounds Toby at Olive Juice Music Toby on Multiply Dizzy Spells Martian on MySpace
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