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Untitled Jam 2
Turn Into Feathers
Everything In My Cupboards Is Moldy [Philip Seymour Hoffman]
Truman Peyote
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Caleb Johannes (The Craters), Miles Coe (Psychedelic Family), and Sydney Howard phone it in from Boston, MA. Blown out basement jams, warped acid mantras, everything in the red, pulsing and blissful. No yer speakers aren't melting, yer face ain't meltin', it's just the music, man! Eternal summer-loving vibes, an ecstatic matrix of sound swirling right down the drain of the swimming pool. Yes, yes, yes!
Nadav Carmel, KDVS 06/07/2010
Untitled Jam 1Untitled Jam 2
Turn Into Feathers
Everything In My Cupboards Is Moldy [Philip Seymour Hoffman]