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Elevator Blood Flood
Oceans Weeze
Horse Whisperer
Dog Letters
Throat Mountain
Boob Desert
One Love Leads To Another
Harsh Booger
Mega Bog
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Erin Birgy (Wizards of the Ghost), David Rebis???, Shelby Turner (Sundance Kids), Jordan Michelman (Mill Kids), Zach Burba (iji), Jenny Williams (Pet Dander), and Jane Austin phone it in from Seattle, WA. This one's a bit quiet, so listen closely! Could that be the voice of bird outside your window? Could it be the song you can sing along to but never remember? Are those some of your favorite musicians from your favorite Seattle bands? Mega Bog is all that and more. Erin's songs will warm their way into your heart, curl up and take a nap, and never leave.
Nadav Carmel, KDVS 06/07/2010
Vulcan Mind MeldElevator Blood Flood
Oceans Weeze
Horse Whisperer
Dog Letters
Throat Mountain
Boob Desert
One Love Leads To Another
Harsh Booger