little blog
Support KDVS and PII!
The KDVS Fundraiser is upon us! Starting April 18 at midnight, we'll be asking our listeners and lovers to show their support for independent, weirdo music and media by donating their hard-earned cash. In one week, we hope to raise $60,000, which is 2/3 of our annual budget.
But you get awesome stuff in return! KDVS offers hundreds of premiums packages as thank-yous: music packages (I got K Records and Electricity+Lust to donate this year), T-shirts, artwork, tons of stuff.
I've also made a Phoning It In 2011 compilation, with a song from each episode so far this year. Check out the tracklist here. If you donate during my show (Monday the 18th, 6 to 8 pm PST), you'll get the compilation thrown in with whatever other package you want, AND you'll get handmade cover art.
Pledge online at or call 877-399-KDVS (5387) anytime during the week! Thank you for keeping lo-fi on the radio!
KDVS Fundraiser 2011
The annual KDVS on-air fundraiser is coming up April 18 to the 24, and we need all your support to keep us going. Besides the gratification of keeping priceless freeform, eclectic, experimental, underground, noncommercial programming on the airwaves, you will also get thank-you gifts when you make a donation to KDVS.
AND, if you pledge during "Phoning It In" (that will be Monday, April 18 at 7:30 PST), you'll get a copy of the compilation I'm going to make with cuts from the most recent "Phoning It In" performances, including previously unreleased/unrecorded/unheard songs. Stay tuned for more info!
Stay updated!
02/06/2011I know we're all about analog technology here, but show digital some lo-fi lovin' by liking Phoning It In on Facebook. You'll get updates about who's playing and when the show is streaming live.
New shows up!
01/19/2011I'm finally getting the hang of this websitedoodad, and the first two shows of 2011 are now up! The audio is a little wonky due to some appropriately lo-fi wiring at KDVS, but I'll have the files cleaned up eventually.
The Resurrection!
As you may have noticed, "Phoning It In" has been on hold since the summer when Nadav moved away from Davis. I am honored to report that Nadav is bequeathing the phoneline to me, to continue the show at KDVS.
The new era starts tomorrow, Monday, Jan. 3 at 7:30 p.m. I am also ecstatic that my inaugural guest will be Mr. Nick Jaina from Portland! After that I have a streak of great artists lined up, so keep it tuned.
â€â€Elisa Rocket
05/02/2010Look at that, we're way into 2010. New shows added weekly, subscribe to the podcast for all the latest.
Look at that!
03/13/2009New shows! KDVS! Website almost done! Woot!
Decreasingly under construction
Increasingly full of content. You can even podcast this stuff by going in your iTunes, clicking "Advanced > Subscribe to Podcast" and pasting this in:
Proper link to come soon.
Almost there!
04/22/2008Still under construction. More info at The archives are fully functional, though- all 300+ shows available as mp3's to download or stream, with more added every week!
Very under construction.
11/02/2007See above. More info at The archives are fully functional, though- all 300+ shows available as mp3's to download or stream, with more added every week!