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The Finish Line
Sea To Sea To Sea
Dead End Off The Deep End
Get A Life [Speed Trials]
Timebop [Speed Trials]
Britt Harris
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Up-and-comer Britt Harris (also of the Goddamn Regret, Speed Trials, and the Tarrant County Amblers) phones it in from his dorm at Fordham University in the Bronx, NY. Ever wonder what sort of lyrics an English major will come up with? This is that, except good. Awesome, in fact.
Carrie Hadler, BSR 01/29/2006
Maybe It Was The Impatience Of My Youth, Maybe It Was The TimesBranches
The Finish Line
Sea To Sea To Sea
Dead End Off The Deep End
Get A Life [Speed Trials]
Timebop [Speed Trials]