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"Loretta Lucas sings from a place between grace, loss and mystery, like roses in the snow or quarter moons floating over ten cent towns...And there are whispers of leading ladies in her voice and the music - of Emmylou, of Loretta, of Dolly."
Little Boxes [Malvina Reynolds]
Get Yourself Together
Follow The Moon
I'm On Fire
Waiting So Long
I Know You
Loretta Lucas
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Loretta Lucas (sans her Larkspurs) phones it in from Detroit, MI. With a refreshingly clear voice she draws equal influence from old-time country and folk, 1960s girl groups, and modern marvels.
"Loretta Lucas sings from a place between grace, loss and mystery, like roses in the snow or quarter moons floating over ten cent towns...And there are whispers of leading ladies in her voice and the music - of Emmylou, of Loretta, of Dolly."
Carrie Hadler, BSR 08/17/2006
All I GotLittle Boxes [Malvina Reynolds]
Get Yourself Together
Follow The Moon
I'm On Fire
Waiting So Long
I Know You