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Ni Modo
By The Great Redeemer
A Ghost Song
Ain't No Evil
Hell's Veils
Derek Joe Brockett
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Derek Joe Brockett and Kyle Reid phone it in from Playa Zipolite, Oaxaca, Mexico. Derek's range is incredible. His recordings are all over the place, from country dirges to free jams to classical guitar and back to country dirges. For such a nice guy, professor, father, and Tony Iommi nut, you'd be surprised he named an album 'My Strength Is Hatred'- until you listened to it, that is. Fans of Nick Cave rejoice! Darker than blood and heavier than metal.
Nadav Carmel, WMBR 06/19/2008
Hungry Ghost >Ni Modo
By The Great Redeemer
A Ghost Song
Ain't No Evil
Hell's Veils