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"Axelrod, born in 1984, is a self-taught 'muscian'. He tries to play whatever instruments he can find in garbage cans and on the curb. He has fun playing his music. Recently graduated from college, Axelrod's front burner is over-frothing with sonic stew."
Oh My Little Familiar
You Can Walk The Walk, You Can Talk The Talk, But Girl You Can't Dance Worth A Damn
Axelrod Gunnerson
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Axelrod Gunnerson and BRIAN! phone in great modern folk songs from Naperville, IL.
"Axelrod, born in 1984, is a self-taught 'muscian'. He tries to play whatever instruments he can find in garbage cans and on the curb. He has fun playing his music. Recently graduated from college, Axelrod's front burner is over-frothing with sonic stew."
Carrie Hadler, BSR 05/11/2006
A Transtromer Spring BreakOh My Little Familiar
You Can Walk The Walk, You Can Talk The Talk, But Girl You Can't Dance Worth A Damn