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Brown Recluse Sings Download mp3 | Stream mp3
The dapper and fine young gentlemen of BRS (now known simply as Brown Recluse, actually)- Jesse Todd, Mark Saddlemire, Herbie Shellenberger, Timothy Meskers, and Alex Tyson (sans Ryan Todd)- phone it in from Philadelphia, PA. This is actually the band's first time playing together as a full ensemble, but it's completely perfect, instantly classic, indispensable pop music. Look for their record out now on the mighty Slumberland.

Carrie Hadler, BSR 05/18/2006


Lazy Bones
The Calm Before The Storm
Margo, Left In Bed
Mystifying Oracle
Western Meadowlark
Evening Tapestry [Tim solo]
Mourning Morning [Tim solo]

Links BRS on MySpace Video of BRS phoning in 'Margo, Left In Bed'
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