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Been A Son [Nirvana]
Rain [Shel Silverstein]
Ickle Me, Pickle Me, Tickle Me Too [Shel Silverstein]
Dogme 95
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Nick Wright (who runs the Mission Label) phones it in from Chicago, IL. Aside from a staunch will to experiment (these Shel Silverstein covers were improvised on the spot), Nick's band shares little with its stark Danish namesake. The songs of Dogme 95 are warm, fun, catchy, and playful, but no less moving for it. Nick keeps it real.
Nadav Carmel, BSR 05/17/2005
Patterns Of Western CivilizationBeen A Son [Nirvana]
Rain [Shel Silverstein]
Ickle Me, Pickle Me, Tickle Me Too [Shel Silverstein]