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Always Up
Untitled New Jam
Boppin' Gopher's
Purple Palms
Not Seen
New Legs
Chrome Wings
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Jon Jurow and Shane McDonell phone it in from Portland, OR. Picture not shining car fins or hood ornaments, but instead an animal with actual chrome wings, an ecstatic chimera that never lingers in one place for too long and is gone too soon. A spiritual and auditory relative here would be Lucky Dragons: organic, shimmering drones; mysterious tape loops used to great emotional effect; occasional, lurching beats; ghosts. Only the magic is that Chrome Wings is ALL ANALOG. Cassette tape samples; no laptops. Jon doesn't even own a cel phone, bless his heart. The results are beautiful, and like I said, over way too quickly.
Nadav Carmel, KDVS 10/19/2009
IntroAlways Up
Untitled New Jam
Boppin' Gopher's
Purple Palms
Not Seen
New Legs